Sheela na Gig
This Sheela-na-gig is located on private property, and currently, there is no public access.

A Sheela na Gig is a carving of a naked women displaying her vulva.
There are over 100 stone carvings of Sheela na Gigs found on churches, castles and other buildings throughout Ireland.
There are a number of theories about their origin and purpose.
They may be pre-Christian fertility symbols or the representation of a mother goddess.
Since Sheela na Gigs are mostly found on medieval buildings maybe they originated in that period,
either as a warning against lust or a protection against evil.
The Balgeeth Sheela na Gig is located near a
Garden Labyrinth
and the megalithic passage tomb at
The term 'Sheela na Gig' was first published in the Proceedings of the
Royal Irish Academy 1840–44, as a local name for a carving once present
on a church gable wall in Rochestown, Co. Tipperary. The name was also
used in 1840 by the Ordnance Survey of Ireland, referring to a figure on Kiltinan Castle, Co. Tipperary.
Balgeeth Sheela-na-gig
The grey, black-specked Sheela is set into a low, hedgerow-topped stone wall at the entrance
to a private farmhouse and dairy farm. For several hundred years or more (nobody knows how
long), the carving was hidden inside a gatepost and forgotten. But not too long ago a milk
collection truck ran into the gatepost, and the long-hidden Sheela was revealed.
She was reinstated, face-side out, mortared into the white-washed stone wall to the right of the driveway.
The carving is 20 cm (8 in) by 38 cm (15 in). The figure has a large round head, big
egg-shaped eyes, a sweet smile, and no neck. Her skeletal arms end in hands that hold
open her vulva. She has long thin legs with feet pointing to her right.
Sheela-na-gigs are stylized carvings of naked, often skeletal women, clutching their
vulvas. There is much disagreement about the origins and significance of Sheela-na-gigs.
Some claim they are pre-Christian fertility symbols; others claim the so-called
"exhibitionist" figures are Christian representations of lust. They occur in European
churches built after the twelfth century (or sometimes earlier) and occasionally in
secular buildings as well, often above a window or high up on a wall. In recent centuries
they have often been defaced, hidden or destroyed.
The name Sheela-na-gig is from the Irish language, but the exact meaning is uncertain.
According to Jack Robert's annotated map, "It is often rendered in Irish as Síle na gCioch.
Sheela or Síle means femininity but it also means a special kind if woman, a hag or spiritual
woman and also related to the word for a spirit or fairy in Irish, the sidhe (pronounced shee)."
According to Jack Roberts, one of many researchers on the topic, Celtic gods and goddesses
were often depicted as ugly to appear more impressive and other-worldly. He also suggests
that a skeletal female image that focuses on the vulva, rather than on a full belly and breasts,
is likely to symbolize death, life, and regeneration. Nora Judge told us that Irish midwives carry
them as good-luck talismans. Interestingly, some of the Sheela figures are known in local folklore by the names of particular saints.
Fertility symbol? Good luck talisman? Apotropaic images meant to "turn away the evil eye"? A
warning against lust? A reminder of the perils of sexuality? A celebration of the goddess? We leave it to you to decide.
The Sheela-na-gig is indeed a
powerful symbol
This Sheela-na-gig is located on private property, and currently, there is no public access.